Looking for the hottest Australian apps - but tired of wading through
10,000's of titles on Windowspone Marketplace to find them?
Look no further - Developed Down Under is a community driven
initiative to showcase apps made by Australian Developers +
provide an aggregated news feed from the best Australian Windowsphone bloggers.

Developed Down Under is developed by mobilewares.net in
conjunction with
With Developed Down Under you can quickly browse through a
catalogue of available Apps from local aussie publishers (who have signed up to
this initiative) - drill down to view app details - and then if so desired - go
directly to the app's entry in Marketplace (allowing you to download/purchase
and rate the title). Using our online server - the catalogie of apps will also
update itself so you'll never be out of date.
You can also quickly locate localized apps made specifically for
Australians (such as news, weather, travel and more) - via the 'apps
for aussies' section. Don't know what Apps to install?
Get our randomly selected 'quick picks' from the catalogue -
and try out something completely new.
Tired of loading up 15 different news readers to get the latest Aussie
wp news? Developed Down Under provides a simple single news feed - and
our servers aggregate all the best stuff for you from bloggers + news sites.
Thanks to the following Aussie based WP7 news sites who have generously made
their content available in this App at launch include (click tiles to view
respective sites) :

What's more you'll be helping out struggling Aussie developers who need your
support to keep making more great products.
Developed Down Under is a community initiative in conjunction with
wpdownunder.com blog.
Follow the #wpddu hashtag
on twitter to join in - or contact us if you are an Australian and want your app
showcased on here - or your blog included in our aggegated new feed.
This app is and will remain free for you - so all that's left for you to
do is to install it and have a play!
Special Thanks to :
- Garry Holden of Handiware
for coming up with the name 'Developed Down Under'
- The #wp7au
community for their awesome support!
- And of course the
#wp7nl community for the inspiration!
Please Note this app requires internet access and will consume a small
amount of data (which is heavily compressed for bandwidth friendly use) when the
catalogue or news feeds are updated. .
The following comments are a selection of reviews posted for this App on
Microsoft's Windows Phone Marketplace by happy customers.
(5/5 Stars)
Nice to see someone make it easier for us to find localized apps.
posted by "
Bisley29" (XBOX Live User ID)
(Windows Phone Marketplace - Australia)
(5/5 Stars)
Great idea. I hope to see many more Aussie devs, and developers in general, making great apps for windows phone! Anything that supports that is a winner in my book.
posted by "
Skibur" (XBOX Live User ID)
(Windows Phone Marketplace - United States)
(5/5 Stars)
Design wise - extremely smooth interface!
posted by "
Kaspa1991" (XBOX Live User ID)
(Windows Phone Marketplace - Australia)
(5/5 Stars)
Great work guys!
posted by "
anthant" (XBOX Live User ID)
(Windows Phone Marketplace - Australia)
(4/5 Stars)
Would give 5 but then you wouldn't improve ;) but seriously though, like the app & support for local dev. Keep it up! Cant wait to see more apps in the catalogue
posted by "
jnam307" (XBOX Live User ID)
(Windows Phone Marketplace - Australia)
(4/5 Stars)
Excellent app
posted by "
grubtrader" (XBOX Live User ID)
(Windows Phone Marketplace - Australia)
(5/5 Stars)
Sleek and simple, can't wait to see more Aussie apps included
posted by "
StivYap" (XBOX Live User ID)
(Windows Phone Marketplace - Australia)